В Манілі, столиці Філіппін, вибрали нову Міс Всесвіт. Нею вперше за багато років стала представниця європейської країни – 23-річна Іріс Міттенар з Франції.
За корону переможниці цього року змагалися учасниці з 88 країн світу, в тому числі і з України. Найбільш видовищним етапом конкурсу традиційно став парад національних костюмів.
На створення національного костюма для «Міс Україна Всесвіт» – 2016 Альони Сподинюк пішло близько чотирьох місяців роботи, а загальна вага костюма – більше 25 кілограм. Він називається «Квітуча Україна» і, за словами дівчини, символізує те, до чого зараз так прагне наша країна – мир, радість, процвітання.
Пропонуємо розглянути найяскравіші і вигадливі національні костюми конкурсу Міс Всесвіт 2016/2017.
Keity Drennan, Miss Panama 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Htet Htet Htun, Miss Myanmar 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Roshmitha Harimurthy, Miss India 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Jihan Dimack, Miss Tanzania 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Le Hang, Miss Vietnam 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Carolyn Carter, Miss US Virgin Islands 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Luisa Baptista, Miss Angola 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Marina Jacoby, Miss Nicaragua 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Catalina Paz Caceres, Miss Chile 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Estefania Bernal, Miss Argentina 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Rebecca Rath, Miss Belize 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Sirey Moran, Miss Honduras 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Isabel Dalley, Miss Jamaica 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Cherell Williamson, Miss Bahamas 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Flavia Brito, Miss Portugal 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Kushboo Ramnawaj, Miss Mauritius 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Hawa Kamara, Miss Sierra Leone 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Mariam Habach, Miss Venezuela 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
Magdalena Cohendet, Miss Uruguay 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization
4 червня 2022 року відбулась Міжнародна благодійна виставка «Світ разом з Україною», організована Міжнародним дипломатичний журналом «Fashion of Diplomacy», спільно з Міжнародним жіночим рухом...