Importing a Car to Ukraine

Street lined with cars in Kiev, Ukraine

One of the things that many people want to know when they decide to move to Ukraine is how to bring their motor vehicle with them so they will be able to easily drive to where they need to go. While some people may choose to simply purchase a car once they arrive, many are not able to do this as the cost of a new car, or even a used car is usually pretty high when compared to the cost of a car in America or in other countries in Europe. The resell value for automobiles usually stays high as well and some find that buying a car and selling before they depart works for them. If you prefer to bring your own vehicle due to sales prices being so high, you may enjoy having a little information on what you must do to import the car to Ukraine.

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Foreigners are allowed to bring a car for up to one year to Ukraine and they will not have to pay VAT or import duties as long as the car will return to the country of origin when the year is over. The owner of the car must be the only one to drive it and may not allow others to drive while in Ukraine. The vehicle owner must obtain Ukraine license plated within 60 days of the car arriving in the country and also Ukraine auto insurance to use for the duration of the year. Those moving permanently from another country will be required to pay VAT and import duties. Permanent movers must also have Ukraine license plates within 60 days as well as local insurance in order to drive legally. You may want to note that if you have to import as a temporary resident, you may take the car out of the country after one year and re-import it for another year.

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To import a motor vehicle to Ukraine you will need to hire a professional safe and reliable auto transport company to have the vehicle shipped safely. Pricing for this will vary depending on where you are exporting from and will range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over one thousand for shipment and fees.  Import duties are separate from shipping costs and they are calculated on the vehicle value, cost of shipping total and insurance on shipping. Motor vehicle owners also must pay sales tax and excise duties when importing a car.

Import duties range between zero and 60% but for most standard motor vehicles, the rates are usually never higher than 15%. The VAT is 20% and will need to be factored in with the overall shipping cost. You can obtain great information on customs regulations by contacting the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine where you can find information on importing motor vehicles as well as personal property.

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There is public transportation in Ukraine, but as with most areas of the world, people tend to enjoy driving their own vehicle when they want to get from one place to another. Driving allows you to arrive on time and get around swiftly whereas with public transportation, you may find yourself waiting in long lines or facing transportation delays frequently when taking the bus, train or even a taxi. Buses and taxis can be packed with people and if you want to ride alone, this is not always possible.  Importing a personal car will save time and allow you to ride in comfort when you need to travel.

Jennifer Bennet