How not to lose natural beauty and youth – Yana Burkalo


The beauty of Ukrainian women fascinates males all over the world. We have got it in our genes. We are beautiful, kind, intelligent, and hardworking. It is not possible to list all our merits. In general, a woman is a caregiver, a mother, a beloved one and most often an idol. An idol for a man and for her children. How not to lose natural beauty and youth, and how to maintain beauty over the years – today we are talking with Yana Burkalo the Head of E-Cosmetology Beauty Center.

So, Yana, what should be done to be always beautiful and young?

How not to lose natural beauty and youth - Yana BurkaloOur lifestyle does not always presuppose following the rules of healthy eating, making sports, monitoring appearance, etc. A woman, especially a businesswoman, is constantly working, occupying leading positions in companies, and she has not got a lot of spare time. Of course, all this has the after effects on our appearance, our mood and our confidence.

We live in the 21st century, surrounded by the advanced technologies being developed every day. Of course, such advanced technologies are available in the cosmetology segment. They allow us to take good care of ourselves, our appearance and natural beauty without harming it and spending a great deal of time.

Therefore, I advise you to consult a cosmetologist constantly to receive not just professional advice, but a certain range of services. But my main piece of advice is to choose a professional beautician who will work for you on individual basis. His or her key task is to examine your skin thoroughly, to look after your hair and body, and only then plan the procedures or advise a home care complex.

The earlier you start visiting a cosmetologist, the more likely you are to preserve your natural beauty for long without harming your skin, body or health.

Tell us about your first steps at the cosmetological business?

When we started we had a small center and 5 people team and now we can say that we have already transformed into a center where not only care procedures are provided, but also hair care services, apparatus cosmetology, ultrasonic cosmetology, injection cosmetology are available as well.

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We also added an e-fitness service.

We never stop at what we have achieved, we are always developing, improving our skills, working with Israeli clinics and we are sharing our experience with colleagues from Israel and France. We participate in international beauty exhibitions.

We are trying to be the first to innovate in the cosmetic sphere.

What are the main features of the E-Cosmetology Center?

How not to lose natural beauty and youth - Yana BurkaloOur key feature is the professionalism. We employ experienced staff that adhere to the same principle: “Individual approach for each client”. This is what has helped us to become a customer friendly center and remain the one for many years.

The second feature is our loyalty program. Special offers and loyalty programs are available for both new and regular customers. We have prepared a loyalty system for everyone who visited our beauty center for the first time. For example, after diagnosis, the first procedure is performed at a discount of 85% – this small bonus gives us the opportunity to show the clients how we value their choice and how we do care about their physical and emotional comfort.

Our other feature is our ongoing collaboration with Israel and global brands such as: Hikari, Abramski, Techno Beauty.

We work with the unique Israeli Techno Beauty equipment and we use only high quality Israeli Hikari and Abramski cosmetics for professional and home care. This is something you won’t find in any beauty center. Israel is a country that is always one step ahead of the rest of the world and Israel is the first country to introduce the latest developments in the field of medicine and beauty.

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One year ago, we were among the first to bring unique Israeli Techno Beauty laser devices and to launch this service exclusively in Ukraine.

Techno Beauty laser machines are in the leading position in the world and we use them in our center to provide the following services:

  • Fractional RF Lifting, that solves age related problems, removes deep wrinkles, pops, stretches and scars. We remove skin flaccidity without injection method.
  • Carbon laser peeling with the help of neodymium laser and carbon nanogel cleans and narrows pores, exfoliates the horny layer of skin, improves complexion, activates skin regeneration, has a selfregulating effect.
  • Laser removal of tattoos and scars – Neodymium laser affects the pigment, due to this an image on the skin becomes pale, and after a few sessions completely disappears, without the formation of scars or blemish.

Our next feature is the comprehensive approach to solve any problem. Before appointing procedures, our specialists carry out hardware diagnostics of the skin of the face, head and body. Based on our findings, the most effective course of treatment and home care are selected, and we can track progress and achieve our goals in the shortly possible time. Diagnosis is performed at regular intervals to see what changes have occurred and how to adjust the selected set of procedures. Keeping our “hand on the pulse” we can achieve our goals in the shortest possible time.

We want all ECosmetology customers to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of care and professionalism and be pleased with the results for years to come.

How would you describe the business philosophy of your center?

Our philosophy is, of course, beauty, love and care! Our main rule is to preserve your natural beauty and health. Our center works exclusively with Israel’s advanced technology.

This makes it possible to preserve clients’ beauty and youth. After all, when innovative technologies and preparations developed by Nobel laureates are added to the services, one must be very lazy or short- sighted to ignore it!


How not to lose natural beauty and youth - Yana Burkalo

When the consultation of the cosmetologist should be the urgent one?

The enrolling for a cosmetology consultation is recommended for everyone, especially as prevention. It is advisable to visit a specialist at least annually up to 25 years and at least twice a year after. Contrary to a popular myth, no competent cosmetologist will appoint a consultation more often than it is objectively required by the patient.

Prevention is always safer and more effective than cure. It has been proven that it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it. This also applies to face care. If you visit the cosmetologist properly and regularly, you will not need complicated and expensive procedures to regain youth and good looks.

Thanks to preventive visits to the cosmetologist you keep health and youth of the skin, and when problems occur, the specialist detects them at the earliest stages, when they can be eliminated easily and without consequences.

“We will teach you to manage your age!” Is our slogan.

A modern woman of any age can choose herself what age to look.

What are your plans for the nearest future?

Our incredible project will be started soon. It is our school for cosmetologists. For a long period of time we were asked, “Why don’t you open a school for cosmetologists?” And what did we do? We have long been preparing to invest our knowledge, our practice and our experience, all our inspiration, to share with those who need it. So, the one who has desire to learn, should follow our news.

Your advice to our readers

My advice to all readers is to live and enjoy every day. Don’t lose your beauty and take care of it.