August 24 – Independence Day of Ukraine


Today, Ukraine is celebrating the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

This is the main national holiday of Ukraine, celebrated by Ukrainians every year on August 24 since 1992. The Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine itself was adopted on August 24, 1991 by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR. The restoration of Ukraine’s independence in 1991 led to the collapse of the prison of nations – the Soviet Union.

Festive events are usually held on this day, a military parade is held in the capital on Khreschatyk. However, Ukraine celebrates the holiday for the second year in a row under the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion. Due to the threat of missile attacks, Ukraine’s Independence Day, like Flag Day, will be held without public celebrations to avoid mass gatherings and potential victims.

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The Mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko stated the following: “Since, for security reasons, the city (Kyiv) does not plan mass events for the Independence Day of Ukraine, he issued a separate order to the deputy heads of the KMDA, the heads of the capital’s regional state administrations to prevent the approval of non-state mass events of religious, cultural and educational , sporting, spectacular and other events on the territory of the capital on August 23 and 24.

He appealed to the heads of the main departments of the National Police and the State Emergency Service in the city of Kyiv (with an appeal) to take additional measures to protect public order and the safety of the participants of the National Flag Day of Ukraine and the Independence Day of Ukraine, planned at the state level.

I urge all residents of Kyiv and guests of the capital to be as attentive and careful as possible during these days and not to ignore air warning signals.”

It is known that there will be an exhibition of battered Russian military equipment at Khreschatyk, as was the case last year.

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We will remind that on August 23, Ukrainians celebrated Flag Day.