A new stage of human civilization: Changing life through refreshment of thoughts and feelings


85 percent of global population lives in stress. All our biological processes are controlled by programs in DNA molecules. But it turns out, DNA itself is managed by signals approaching a cell from outside.

And these signals comprise out thoughts, both positive, and negative ones. It influences not only the health of a population, their life and future, but the world progress and whole humanity. Everybody struggles with stress, but the situation occurs again and again. Scholars all over the world are involved in the resolution of issue how to break the vicious circle.

There is a unique school in Ukraine, where experts know how to change this trend. Thousands of people visit it globally. Everything started in Kharkiv many years ago. Today, the educational center functions in Kyiv.

We discuss new methods of thinking and influence of negative reflections on human development with the academician and “Practical school of tangible development” founder Stanislav Ivanovych Losev and Kateryna Zavialova – an official representative and school teacher in Kyiv.

Will you tell us, what is a method of conscious thinking you are engaged in?

Stanislav Ivanovych: All nations in all times dreamt of and dream of an ideal society embracing highly moral people who don’t have ambitions for power, there is no war and hunger.

Intellect, kindness and love are more powerful instead of money values.

Brilliant painters and writers tried to create future images incorporating their mental abilities and inspiration in them. Clever and well educated realists called these theories utopias.

It has always been so. A result of any eff orts, similar initiatives was obviously determined. And the reason is single. It’s impossible to establish a new society, grow up a new civilization, even highly technological one with people from the past who have an outdated level of consciousness and old way of thinking.

Negative feelings themselves are a reason of all our life misfortunes, troubles including health problems. 85 % of world population lives in stress. There is a famous psychologist Hans Selie. He says: “If a situation doesn’t change, we’ll have a country of schizophrenics in 50–100 years, everything won’t be so interesting in the long term”. That’s why so many people need the method of conscious thinking. It’s simple.

It doesn’t demand impossible things. It’s just personal work. If you want to change something in your life, it’s necessary to remove your fears, nervousness and negative manifestations. Only you can do that. Nobody can help you, whether you work with yourself, or not.

Kateryna: “Practical school of conscious development” is based on precise knowledge about human brain possibilities. These instruments and practices make possible to work with our feelings and thoughts efficiently removing negativeness. In its turn, it enables to obtain needful positiveness. In other words, it’s a natural transformation of thoughts and emotions leading us to the expected results by inherent means.

There are many institutes of human development, cultures, and proposals for improvement of our world in general. And it’s good. One thing is important. Every person needs to feel calm, safe, cheerful, loved and wanted.

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Everyone sometimes feels stress and tension. In such a way, they absorb negative impressions which lead to stresses and other problems. One needs a new way of thinking, pure thoughts and soul to feel nice. It’s a new culture of thinking and life. And everybody can be a part of it. That’s not just words. Modern science discovered mechanisms of humanity development improvement due to the potential of thoughts and conscious generation of positive feelings.

What inspired you to set up this project?

Stanislav Ivanovych: When I started, I didn’t have any clues about school. At first I did breathing exercises. Then I began to practice. I saw people changing, I’d say even transforming.

That inspired me to keep it up. And I improved the method after 20 years of experience.

I undertook a study obtaining the second education.

A person is suffering not from what is going on with him/her, but how an individual responds to any stimulant. It’s difficult to explain the connection between negative events from past and today misfortunes logically. But the mechanism of these processes was revealed due to researches. At first, information field blocking happens as a result of imperfect way of thinking (images, fears, depression, anger, unwillingness to live). In the course of time, if this blocking isn’t damaged through a situation rethinking, negative programs show up in the form of diseases, troubles with family life, conflicts with children, colleagues, extreme lack of money, new business is going down, debts don’t return back etc.

What instruments one should know to use your methods?

Kateryna: All instruments already embrace 34 items for today. Each time we refi ne our programs, that’s why instruments add up. But for the beginning, one should master two points: a therapy of key words and reconsideration of relations with a negative person or situation.

According to our method, there are precise key words that can remove any negative mental tension. Our brain can’t bear and put up with monotony. So, the excessive monotony is harmful, and the dosed one is able to get rid of any negative program.

Our method is famous in Ukraine, Australia, Greece, Britain, America, France, Italy and many other countries. There are more and more curious people who try and acquire results. I can’t say, that it’s a panacea, bit I can assure when a person works, he/she obtains a result.

What does an education program start with?

Stanislav Ivanovych: The education program begins with the first Basic level encompassing 10 instruments. What do they give? An opportunity to work with negative emotions on one’s own, not important if it’s relations, career development, a new product launch.

The next level is training “Work with a generation”. Almost everybody who covers this level starts comprehending a key problem coming from relations with parents. People are aware of these peculiarities very well saying: – “A grievance against Father – a grievance against God. A grievance against Mother – a grievance against Earth”. Psychology states, if a girl holds an offense against his father, possible family and intimate troubles can occur. But if she holds a grudge against her mother, financial problems can show up. They harm a self-realization. It’s vice versa for men. Difficult relations with father often cause an empty wallet and tense relations with mother lead to difficulties with a personal life.

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So, we’ve got the following conclusion – you need to reconsider all your relations, not from a mental position, but addressing to your subconsciousness. You get rid of negative stuff filling yourself with positive things at the same time. And this positive energy and behavior open up new horizons in your work, both in personal life and career.

There is also one more interesting training, so called Self-healing. A person reaches deepness of subconsciousness and gets high results according to the current enquiry.

So, let us call this method “Work with human psychology”. Do practical psychologists use it?

Stanislav Ivanovych: Of course, it’s work with human psychology. What about psychologists, they work with human subconsciousness, some of them use general methods. But others seek for new ways of problems resolution. Extremely important problems that are constantly evolving.

Our method is groundbreaking. Owing to it, each person understands how to find a solution without a psychologist’s help. I’ll explain in a more detailed manner. Observing numerous trainings, we see that a person gets a portion of endorphin, a so called hormone of happiness. It targets at the mobilization of internal resources.

However, coming back home, an individual loses this artificial feeling and gets down to their usual nervous disposition, that is really evident.

There appears a need again to visit a training or psychologist for a hormone of happiness.

Our method is in charge of changing this trend. Via regular negative programs, this method helps a person to create and activate his own hormone of happiness that has a permanent character, since a feeling of cheerfulness arises peculiarly inside of us. Mastering the method, people get instruments they can use independently employing all this knowledge in their life: parents and children, personal life, self-realization, a financial sphere or any other issue. As it was mentioned before, this method is not typical for psychologists. That’s why it’s not so widely used. But practical psychologists have already proceeded to our method lately.

In such a way, they popularize it. That can’t but please us.

This method is your work or already a way of life?

A new stage of human civilization: Changing life through refreshment of thoughts and feelingsStanislav Ivanovych: I’m 74 years old. I lived an interesting life. I used to be a writer, journalist, did business, found my own. But when I tried this, I realized that I found myself.

When a person understands what he lives for, what it’s necessary to do carrying out own tasks, that’s the biggest value. For this aim, God created a body, Earth and all conditions for your development. People often say, they don’t really know what to do in their life. And I answer them: – If you talk about money, do what brings money or what you love. If it deals with a soul, you need to figure out what task you’ve got…

Practically nobody knows their mission. We have a special training «A human mission» for this aim. Covering this course, an individual begins to understand what he lives for.

This knowledge we acquire year by year, being adults trying to remove any problem, they get from the moment of their birth. Each person on the Earth has a need to feel safety, love, cheerfulness and other positive emotions.

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Finally it’s time when the whole humanity must comprehend, that people themselves are responsible for their lives. It means we can rely on saying: Do as you would be done by! So, you must be conscientious and monitor your feelings.

In case of a need, correct them immediately.

Kateryna: I’ve already been working in this sphere for 6 years. For this time I have clearly understood people’s need for these instruments, especially under today’s conditions. That’s why we live every day and feel different emotions, unfortunately, they aren’t always positive. Some of these people get rid of stress in a various way. Somebody communicates with the most important people aggressively, somebody removes stress absorbing in work and not understanding that’s an illusion, but not a solution. Sometimes it leads to fatal cases, such as alcoholism, drug abuse and even suicide. But there is another way – an ability to change things you don’t like on your own modifying your attitude to them and finally obtaining a long-expected positiveness via the usage of instruments. It means a biological method of negative programs removal.

We have developed a new project “New thinking” recently. From our perspective, it’ll help each person and the whole country to be happy. A happy person is a happy nation and government!!!

The presentation of this project will take place soon, we will inform you on the website.

Where is your school located in Kyiv? Is it possible to learn online?

Kateryna: In Kyiv our trainings we deliver on the premises of “The Kyiv History Museum”. Of course, there are also online lectures and trainings. People living in regions of our country and abroad can see a timetable of lessons on the website and get online classes. The practical school of conscious development functions in different countries around the globe inspiring people to be more conscious owing to the results they obtain within the biological method of negative programs removal in their lives.

We have additional VIP trainings – “Second birth”, “Money and success”, “Who wears pants in your house?”. They last for 10 days. Soon we’ll have a seminar in Italy, then in Greece, the Carpathians and on the shore of the Black Sea near Odessa. A timetable of these classes is also available on the website.

There are clubs in Kyiv as well. They help people to work with their inquiry using the biological method instruments. It’s the space of self-development AurumSoulClub, on the left bank and the Studio of human development on the right one.

What are your future plans?

Stanislav Ivanovych: I plan to spread this knowledge as much as possible all over the world. If people get an opportunity to off set stresses on their own, we can have a rather solid person who will be able to create a happy world around and as a result to form a powerful and developed country.