Filtering information and how to distinguish fake from real news – Elena Rudyk


The content of the world today is very oversaturated. It includes TV channels, radio stations, print media, online publications, YouTube, social networks and all these carriers broadcast different information every second, bring a certain message, promote goods or services…. But information is not always true. How to filter information and how to distinguish fake news from real news – says Elena Rudyk, CEO of NASH TV channel, exclusively for Fashion of Diplomacy.

TV channel NASH is quite young, but it has already showed a positive development. What is the key to the rapid growth of viewership?

NASH is more than a TV channel; it is an information media platform. The uniqueness of the concept is that the viewer receives information quickly and in a convenient way for him or her – on TV, via the Internet on the site, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, on YouTube and Telegram channels. Our driving force is the people that work here, their professionalism, knowledge, creativity and faith. Each team has extensive experience in information television; each team clearly knows the area of responsibility and is does its best.

At your channel only the news forms content up. How do you filter the news? How do you distinguish fakes from true information?

Content is the editorial board area of responsibilities. Editors and analysts have access to various sources of information. Each news item has been carefully reviewed and analyzed before it is released and published.

Indeed, the problem today is the large number of the fake news in the informational space. The reason lies in the fact that in the modern world, everyone can freely write a post on Facebook, independently capture, edit and upload videos, post screenshots of private correspondence, etc.

Recognizing of the false information is a professional skill that the editors of NASH T V do have.

Please tell us about the technological component of your studio. After all, is it the most modern in Ukraine because of its equipment, it is not?

NASH TV technological complex is built and equipped in accordance with world standards of media and journalism. NASH consists of 5 live studio venues, talk show studio and newsroom that are integrated into a single space.

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Through the use of high-tech equipment, NASH was the first to use augmented reality technology on television in Ukraine. This allows us to conduct live interviews in our studio with the most interesting people even so they are in other part of the world.

By what criteria do you select TV presenters for our TV channel?

The specifics of our channel are linked with the constant live work. Broadcasts are conducted both from our studios and from venues (rallies, courtrooms, press conferences, etc.). Therefore, the presenter should be welleducated, smart, friendly, resourceful, and stress-resistant, should be able to establish contacts, hold the attention of viewers and listeners and promptly respond to the rapid change of events. Often our presenters have to improvise, because there can be no second to take live.

Filtering information and how to distinguish fake from real news - Elena Rudyk

You have been in the media business for over 10 years. Now you run NASH TV channel. How much does this work inspire you?

I am a financier by education. I have successful experience in the financial sector of large companies. But 13 years ago, the fate had driven me to television.

Working in the media attracts me with my energy and dynamic lifestyle. I am constantly at the center of the flow of information and creative people. I am inspired by the guests who are nice and helpful to interact with. As I like to say, “Television is magic, if once life had driven you here – there is no turning back.”

How many people are under your direct control because the television channel is a complex structure to manage?

NASH has been working 24/7. A live TV channel is a living organism, each organ department of which operates clearly and coherently. If at least one element fails, all other systems are activated to overcome the problem as soon as possible. The team of more than 350 people is important for understanding, mutual respect and mutual support.

Coordinate so many people is a difficult and responsible task. You must keep in mind that you do work with people. Each of them is unique and talented, it is necessary just to find the right approach for the full potential reaching. I was very lucky with the team. I have been working with professionals for many years. Together, we create large-scale projects and achieve our goals in a short time.

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Do you have a tight work schedule, so is there at least some spare time? Tell us how do you spend it?

Frankly saying, there is not much free time, so I try to spend it on things that I really love and that I enjoy so much. And these things are sports, traveling, meeting with loved ones and friends. I also like to explore new cities and countries. I even have a rule: “Each city has one visit.” After all, the world is so different and interesting, and time is always short.

Do you follow Ukrainian fashion? Who is your favorite Ukrainian designer?

I sincerely admire the work of talented Ukrainian designers. My wardrobe is made up mostly of things from Ukrainian brands. The blend of European restraint and oriental luxury, as well as the ability to convey exquisite beauty has helped to create a “recognizable Ukrainian style”. I love Ukraine and everything Ukrainian. I am very impressed with the style of brands such as The BODY wear and Sayya. And I am really crazy about the beautiful shoes from MARSALA.

One of your passion hobbies is golf. What achievements do you have in this sport?

Golf has been my pleasure and hobby for over 8 years. I started playing golf at the time when this sport was not so popular in Ukraine. My special accomplishments winning many tournaments, including the Mercedes Trophy and the BMW Golf Cup.

Today, I am an advisor to the president of the National All-Ukrainian Golf Federation for the development of the ladies golf. I often participate in competitions abroad and see the level of development of the golf industry, which I want to achieve in Ukraine.

So, 4 years later, the idea of creating a ladies golf tournament came up. In fact, these are sports competitions that are held by all rules. The only difference is that the ladies have a more beautiful appearance.

Filtering information and how to distinguish fake from real news - Elena Rudyk

You are promoting women’s golf in Ukraine and hosting the Open Ladies Golf Tour that lasts throughout the season. Please tell us about the main achievements of this extraordinary tournament.

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The main goal of OPEN LADIES GOLF TOUR is to promote golf among women in Ukraine. The tour covers a series of competitions that take place every month from March till September. There is a winner at every stage, but the grand prize and the Cup are played in the finals. This year the ladies tournament has attracted more than 100 newcomers within the Golf School. Open to all, the Open Ladies Golf Tour brings together golfers, gentlemen and ladies, juniors and adults, beginners and professionals alike. The families do play golf at our competitions. Last season, 74 shegolfers took part in the competition.

Therefore, when after every season we see significant changes in the Ukrainian golf world as more and more ladies join the game and for us, the organizers, this is the biggest achievement. Overall, the plans are to go international, so 2020 will be a very bus year.

Could you share your plans for the next year?

Our plan is to go forward! NASH TV team has built the powerful media platform. NASH has become the most innovative television channel in Europe. There are new projects ahead that will help unlock all the high-tech capabilities of our studios. Also, there will be a rebranding of the TV channel and program updates, as ours are out of place.

The team has been constantly working to create interesting content for our viewers, listeners and readers. Visit the TV channel and you will find that in the “information shop” work has been working all the time.

What do you want to wish for the Ukrainian media?

I want to with creativity and inspiration, because in the sphere of media, there is nothing you can do without it. And also, I wish patience and continuous improvement.

I want that the sincere words of the media to serve for the affirmation of goodness and justice. I want that all-Ukrainian media will give young professionals a way, give them a chance to grow professionally, to open up their talents and to get the opportunities. The new non-standard approach of young people and the rich experience of professionals in tandem can create the gorgeous stuff, even the new reality.