We have made a quantum leap in Ukrainian culture during the years of independence.
We have begun to shoot a real high-quality domestic fi lm. There are fi lm festivals in Ukraine. We have a lot of interesting actors. Their talent is appreciated abroad.
When I watch “The Nutcracker” at the performance in Vienna, and I am told that a leading ballerina from Ukraine is dancing, or when Angelina Shvachka or Viktoria Lukianets sings at La Scala, I am filled with pride. This is a prestige for Ukraine. These artists glorify our state. But I believe that the time will come when they will shine in the “Ukraine” palace, in the Opera House, in all theatres of our country. I dream that they have the opportunity to develop their talent at home.
I want to live till the time when gifted children will be needed for our country. I want them to have the opportunity to study free of charge and to develop in music and singing very much. It is worth living for the sake of their joy and laughter. This should be the basis of diplomacy for all politicians and leaders of states.