“Miss World 2017”. The brightest outfits


In Manila, the capital of Filippino, vыbraly new Miss Universe. For the first She became for many years predstavytelnytsa evropeyskoy country – 23 letnyaya Iris Myttenar FROM France.

According crown pobedytelnytsы This year sostyazalys uchastnytsы IZ 88 countries of the world, including, IZ and Ukraine. Samыm zrelyschnыm stages of the competition Traditionally boi parade natsyonalnыh kostyumov.

Proposes rassmotret samыe Vivid and zateylyvыe natsyonalnыe Costumes Miss Universe Contest 2016/2017.
On the creation of National Costume for “Miss Ukraine Universe” – 2016 Alenы Spodыnyuk ushlo the vicinity of four months of work, and Sharing wt costume – More than 25 kylohramm. Online nazыvaetsya “blossoming Ukraine” and, in the words of girl, symvolyzyruet then for chemu NOW so stremytsya our Country – peace, joy to the prosperity.

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