The first comprehensive Ukrainian fashion industry research was conducted in Ukraine

The first research in small and media enterprises business in fashion and textile industry was presented in Ukraine. The uniqueness of the research lies in the fact of calculation of Ukrainian creative design part and its role in the country’s GDP. The work was made and presented by Anna Varava, senior fellow in sectoral policy and communication Association4U at MFA of Ukraine (general directorate of EU and NATO), ex-Editor in Chief of international fashion magazine L’Officiel Ukraine.

The first comprehensive Ukrainian fashion industry research was conducted in Ukraine

The reseach was supported by a state-owned institution Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and Association4U project which main objective is to enhance the capacities and performance of the Ukraine’s governmental institutions to comprehensively implement their commitments arising from the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine. The work was done with the help of foreign specialists – Mark Hellyer, DCFTA expert from UK, two supervisors – leading professors of German Hochschule Furtwangen University and Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin) – Dr Mark Peter Radre and Dr Paul Taylor, and authoritative experts in fashion industry in France – tutors of Istituto Marangoni Paris – Gianni Nembrini and Patrick Vacher, CEO of fashion agency YPT (yourparisiantouch) Hermann Whatt, and president of fashion consulting agency – Veronique Depoix.

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The first comprehensive Ukrainian fashion industry research was conducted in Ukraine

By the way, France is stated as fashion example of the model of development of the industry by purpose. Ukraine in the process of enhancement of state governance most of all folllows example of France and Great Britain, their national institutions and structures are very common. Nowadays, creative industries in France contributes to 2.5% in GDP (13$bln per year), when in Ukraine it’s only 0.06%. But at the same time it’s a rather significant indicator that has a big potential, and with support from governmental and non-governmental institutions it can almost reach French level.

The first comprehensive Ukrainian fashion industry research was conducted in Ukraine

The researcher states the main steps which need to be taken to lift national industry of fashion to a new level, and they are: special modern education, implementation of new technologies, investments and loans for SME (small and medium enterprises), development and popularization of the brand Made in Ukraine, support of local markets, limitations to second-hand market, customs regulations, expertized development of the industry, cross-industries cooperations etc.

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So that, by successful example of France the main direction of national fashion industry development was outlined, as well as leading European tendencies of excalation of the correspondent institutions, and perspectives of Ukraine in that direction.

The first comprehensive Ukrainian fashion industry research was conducted in Ukraine

The official presentation of the research will be held at Creative Ukraine Forum, organized by Ministry of Culture of Ukraine on November 9th, 2018 in Kiev.


The Ukrainian Cultural Foundation – a state-owned institution created in 2017 to facilitate development of culture and arts in Ukraine, support cultural diversity, integration of the Ukrainian culture in the international cultural space. Activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation are guided and coordinated by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

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