Switzerland and NATO signed a declaration on cooperation until 2024

Photo: Swissinfo.

Switzerland and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization signed a document on mutual cooperation goals for 2023-2024 within the framework of the Partnership for Peace program. The document confirms the intention of the Federal Council to strengthen international cooperation in the field of security policy.

The Federal Council of Switzerland writes about it.

An individual partnership program was concluded for 2023-2024. It has no binding legal force. However, as noted, this document defines the goals of cooperation and formulates general goals. Namely, the continuation of the political dialogue, the development of cooperation in the areas of new technologies and innovations, sustainability, the promotion of women, peace, security, disarmament, non-proliferation, cyber defense, etc.

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“Many of these goals are aimed at improving interoperability, for example, between the Air Force and communications systems. There are also plans to increase Switzerland’s participation in NATO centers of excellence and send staff officers to NATO facilities,” the Swiss Federal Council reports.

The signing of this document confirms its intention to strengthen international cooperation in the field of security policy, while observing the country’s neutrality.


Author: Anastasiia Mudrak.