The screening of Marina Er Horbach’s film “Klondike” will take place in Tashmektep on Buyukada Island on July 11 at 8:45 p.m. It will be held as part of “Movie Days in Cinemas” on a free basis.
“Klondike” is an anti-war Ukrainian drama about the events in Donbas in 2014. Its Ukrainian producer is Sviatoslav Bulakovsky (Kedr Film, Ukraine), co-producer – Mehmet Bagadyr Er (Protim V.P., Turkey). The tape was created with the support of the State Film Agency of Ukraine in co-production with Turkey.
Istanbul City Lines will organize special flights to Adalar for 9 days. “A ferry departing from Buyukada at 11:15 p.m. will be available to guests and will alternately stop at Geybeliad, Burgazad, Kinaliad and Bostanca from July 8 to 16,” the press service of the State Film Agency notes.
It is worth noting that in December this film was included in the longlist of nominees for the award of the American Film Academy – “Oscar 2023”. And from August 4, the film “Klondike” will be shown in the United States of America.