“Real Stories of a Career Diplomat” — thus named his book of memories and reflections Volodymyr Khandohiy.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2007–2010), not only mentions on the pages of the book his glorious labour path at the foreign affairs department, but also analyzes the current state of our policy at the international arena.
The book provides the detailed and complete analysis of the development of the Ukrainian diplomatic service and the process of the establishing of the first embassies of independent Ukraine abroad.
At the moment, the author presented a pilot copy, but soon “Real Stories of a Career Diplomat” will turn up in the Ukrainian bookstores.
The book is written in Ukrainian language, besides, many interesting and little-known facts of modern Ukrainian history may be of interest not only for political scientists and diplomats, but also for the average reader.