Today in Ukraine celebrated Makoviya

Photo: Maximum.

Every year on August 14, Ukrainians celebrated Honey Savior or Makoviya. This year, it was last celebrated in Ukraine on this day.

According to the Revised Julian calendar, which will come into force on September 1, 2023, this holiday will be on August 1.

The Orthodox name of the celebration is the Exaltation of the Fair Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Spas Medovy is the first of the three Saviors that Orthodox believers celebrate in August. All three great holidays are dedicated to Jesus Christ the Savior, that is why they are called Saviors.

The holiday has both folk and Christian traditions. Usually, on this day in Ukraine, people go to church, where they are blessed with bouquets of poppies, poppies, water and honey.

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It is believed that if you bathe in a reservoir on August 14, the water will give you more strength and health, and can heal sores. After that, it was forbidden to swim.

On this day, you cannot clean the house, do heavy household work, do needlework, talk loudly, celebrate noisily, drink alcohol, overeat, quarrel and swear. Assumption Lent also begins on August 14, so for believers there are restrictions on fish and meat dishes in the diet.