Ukraine and Denmark are joining efforts to invest in sustainable development in Ukraine!


After a successful meeting on August 21, Держенергоефективності (the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine), Міністерство енергетики та вугільної промисловості України (Ministry of Engergy and Coal Industry of Ukraine), experts from Go’ Energi (the Danish Energy Agency), and Danida Business Finance representatives from Udenrigsministeriet (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) agreed to continue the successful cooperation through the Ukraine Denmark Energy Centre (UDEC) and to work out the possibility of attracting Danish technical assistance for the development and implementation of renewable energy projects in Ukraine in the near future.

In particular, possibilities were discussed of providing interest-free loans from the Danida Business Finance program for the implementation of sustainable infrastructure projects, such as the production of energy from waste, addressing the issues of waste disposal and energy supply at the same time.

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