Made in Ukraine

By Volodimer Volkov. Community activist, businessman, environmentalist.


Within the program of cultural cooperation signed between the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China (2013-2017) Ukraine continues to conduct an active policy of multilateral cooperation with China. This time Ukraine was visited by the executive vice president of the National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy of China Alan Yuu, who expressed his interest in the culture and history of the Ukrainian state.

We all know that Ukrainian culture, which is quite peculiar, was influenced by various factors, including the historical way and interaction with other cultures of peoples of the world. Many talented people who were born and raised in Ukraine, then tried to reflect all the beauty and uniqueness of their homeland in their works. One of the most famous and most brilliant was Taras Shevchenko, the master of pen and brush, who also interested Alan Yuu. The Chinese scientist together with like-minded are planning to release “Kobzar” in Chinese in China, where the popular works and paintings of Taras Shevchenko will be collected. This will allow students of the National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy of China get to know not only the painting technique, but also the content of the paintings, Ukrainian mentality, their thoughts and feelings.

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In 2012, we had started a project to create a museum “Culture and Life of Ukraine in China”, which, prior to its opening (autumn 2015), has to absorb the best achievements of Ukrainian art and folk art. China is a country that knows and wants to know the language of other peoples, learn their culture and history.

In order to understand Ukrainian values which formed over centuries, we must know the stages of formation, the steps of modernization and improvement. After visiting the museum, the citizens of the People’s Republic of China will be able to discover the integrity of the entire Ukrainian history from the period of ancient Trypilian culture, Kievan Rus, the Cossack era, the times of struggle for independence and present. The exhibits of wooden architectural elements of everyday life that have been collected from all over Ukraine will be presented to their attention.

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Shevchenko coded the prophecy of Ukraine and only Ukrainian can understand the whole meaning of what was said for sure. The Chinese are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge of Ukrainian culture gradually. The qualified experts who will be placed in a museum or in organized workshops will assist in getting acquainted with the art of Ukraine.

Ukrainian people, not once had to be at the crossroads of interests because of which the conflicts with different nations and tribes arose. As a result, it was necessary to defend their land and independence against enemies constantly that has not stopped until now. It is difficult for the Chinese to comprehend the depth of experience of the Ukrainian people.

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Therefore, as part of another project “World War II – the Lessons of the Past and Warning for the Future”, where the main objective of the project, using the global 70th anniversary of victory in World War II and the value of international unity of the state coalition in it, is to draw the attention of the world and particularly of the People’s republic of China to the deep inter civilized nature of the conflict, which is now localized in Donbass in the form of post-imperial aggressive recurrence. China is currently a very strong country, which can realize the role of modern Ukraine and its necessity for the present and future of the world through the prism of history and culture.