A giant mural “Nezlamna” dedicated to Ukraine was opened in Vilnius

Photo: Ukrinform.

In the capital of Lithuania, the unveiling of the “Nezlamna” mural dedicated to the heroism of Ukrainian defenders and the resilience of the entire Ukrainian people took place.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania announced this on Facebook.

“Ukraine was, is and will be. Thanks to the heroism of Ukrainian defenders, the resilience of the entire Ukrainian people. Despite the constant efforts of Russia – the aggressor country”, this is defined as “a powerful message (of the mural – ed.) for the whole world”.

In addition, the Embassy defines the mural as a symbol of “true friendship between the Ukrainian and Lithuanian peoples, a symbol of exemplary partnership and the courage of our Lithuanian friends.” And the photo displayed on the mural, which was taken on the island of Khortytsia a week after the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP, as “a symbol of the fact that even a large-scale man-made and ecological disaster created by Russian terrorists will not stop us.”

The organizers of the project are Lietuvos nacionalinė UNESCO komisija, Menų agency Artscape, offices of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Turto bankas, Kiaurai sienas. Meno laboratory.

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The team of this initiative: art director Lina Shlipavichyutje (Lithuania), executive group Robot Muralist (Estonia), model Tetiana Droboti (Ukraine) and photographer Olena Tita (Ukraine).


Author: Anastasiia Mudrak.